Dog training tailored towards high drive breeds such as spaniel breeds in wigan chorley and leyland

Published on 10 September 2024 at 08:56

Tailored Training for Spaniels and High-Drive Breeds – How We Can Help You Succeed

Owning a Spaniel or another high-drive breed can be incredibly rewarding, but it also comes with its unique challenges. These dogs are full of energy, intelligence, and instinct, which makes them wonderful companions, but also means they require specific, thoughtful training methods. As professional trainers, we offer tailored training protocols designed to meet the needs of Spaniels and other high-drive breeds. Through specialised methods, we can help you build a strong bond with your dog, ensuring they’re happy, well-behaved, and mentally stimulated.

Why Spaniels and High-Drive Breeds Need Specialised Training

Spaniels, along with other high-drive breeds like Border Collies, pointers, setters, retrievers and labradors are naturally driven by their instincts. Spaniels are particularly known for their incredible scenting abilities and hunting drive, which can be both a joy and a challenge for their owners. Without proper training, this drive can manifest in behaviours like pulling on the lead, being easily distracted, and not coming back when called. These breeds thrive with clear guidance, structure, and consistency.

Tailored Training Protocols for Spaniels and High-Drive Breeds

To meet the needs of these dogs, we use a range of specialised training methods that are designed to channel their natural instincts productively, without stifling their enthusiasm. Here’s an overview of the protocols we use:

1. Scent Work and Mental Stimulation

Spaniels and other high-drive breeds have an exceptional sense of smell and love having a job to do. We incorporate scent work exercises into their training to engage their natural abilities. This not only helps fulfil their mental needs but also reinforces calm, focused behaviour. These exercises might include hiding treats or toys for your dog to find, tracking games, or more advanced scent detection work. By providing an outlet for their drive, we reduce the likelihood of boredom-related behaviours like excessive barking or destructive chewing.

2. Impulse Control and Lead Walking Protocols

High-drive breeds often struggle with impulse control, particularly when they see something exciting like a bird or another dog. We use reward-based protocols to teach impulse control, ensuring your dog can remain calm and attentive in the face of distractions. Through carefully structured lead-walking exercises, we teach your Spaniel or high-drive breed to walk calmly without pulling, focusing on you instead of their environment.

This process involves:

  • Methods to encourage "focus" and "connection" in the environment you are working in
  • Gradually increasing distractions during training so your dog learns to maintain calmness even in challenging situations.
  • Rewarding calm behaviour to reinforce desired actions.

3. Reliable Recall Training

Recall can be particularly tricky for breeds with strong hunting or herding instincts. We take a step-by-step approach to recall training, starting in controlled environments and gradually introducing real-world distractions. Our recall protocols are designed to build a solid foundation, using high-value rewards and games that make returning to you the most exciting option for your dog. By consistently reinforcing recall in a variety of settings, we can help ensure your dog responds quickly and reliably, even when tempted by exciting distractions.

4. Drive-Reduction Techniques

While high-drive breeds thrive on mental and physical activity, there’s also a balance to be struck between excitement and calmness. Our training includes methods to help your dog "switch off" when appropriate. Through calm-down protocols, we teach your dog when it’s time to rest, helping to manage overstimulation. We work on cues that signal to your dog that it’s time to settle, using reward-based techniques that reinforce relaxation. This is especially helpful for Spaniels, who can sometimes be over-excitable even in the home environment.

Why Positive Training Works Best for Spaniels and High-Drive Breeds

These breeds respond best to positive, reward-based methods. Traditional, punitive approaches can often exacerbate problem behaviours in high-drive dogs by increasing stress or anxiety, which in turn may lead to frustration or over-arousal. In contrast, positive reinforcement encourages cooperation and builds trust. By using food, toys, and praise to reward good behaviour, we create an enjoyable learning environment that your dog will be eager to engage with. Positive methods also help prevent the development of fear or aggression, ensuring long-term success.

What You Can Expect From Our Tailored Training

When you work with us, you’ll receive a personalised training plan designed specifically for your dog’s breed, temperament, and individual needs. Our programmes are not one-size-fits-all. We assess your dog’s natural instincts, drive levels, and behaviour patterns to craft a programme that suits them perfectly. Whether you’re struggling with recall, loose lead walking, or general obedience, our tailored protocols ensure that your dog gets the guidance they need to thrive.

Get in Touch for Specialised Spaniel and High-Drive Breed Training

If you own a Spaniel or another high-drive breed, training is essential to ensure they reach their full potential while remaining happy and well-behaved. Our tailored protocols are designed to work with your dog’s natural instincts, not against them. Contact us today to find out more about our specialised training programmes and how we can help you and your dog succeed.

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