Terms and Conditions
Booking Policy
To confirm your scheduled booking of a training session, payment must be made in full via bank transfer at the time of booking to secure your place.
It is soley the responsibility of the customer to provide full disclosure of any behavioural problems including full bite history, health issues and medical history at the time of booking. Haigh Hounds will not be held liable for decisions that are made or subsequent outcomes based on the omission of information.
If for any reason we need to cancel or reschedule your session, we will aim to provide you with a minimum of 24hours notice. We will do our best to avoid this but in the event of severe weather conditions, instructor illness ect we will update you by email / text or social media to reschedule or discuss alternative arrangements.
Training and Handling methods
Haigh Hounds uses positive reinforcement techniques. Methods are kind and ethical. The use of harsh handling, aversives, punishment and physical force is not permitted.
Haigh Hounds abides by the UK Dog Behaviour and Training charter.
Any dog unable to tollerate or settle in a class setting may be removed from class. Solo optons may be offered at the trainers disgression
Dogs are required to kept on lead unless otherwise instructed.
for your cooperation and understanding.
1-2-1 and classes
We cannot refund any booked classes or workshops 7 days prior to the start date. Notification must be in writing. As a gesture f goodwill, if a space becomes available in a future class we will offer the availabiity however it is possible that an alternative date will not be available.
A 4 week 121 course is to be used within a maximum of a 6 week period however it is preferable to run the course over 4 consecutive weeks.
All 1:1 tailored training packages must be completed within a two month period. Any unused sessions after this time will expire. However, we understand that exceptional circumstances may arise, and we may be able to offer a refund or reschedule these sessions upon request.
1-2-1 course & GROUP CLASSES:
If you need to cancel or reschedule a 1:1 training session we kindly request that you inform us no later than 72 hours before your scheduled appointment. Failure to do so will result in full payment for the session.
Please note, we cannot refund or transfer any missed classes as part of a course (Including 121 courses / Group courses) however exceptions may be made at our discretion.
Health and safety
The use of aversives or extender leads are not permitted. Please contact us to discuss further. A flat collar with an ID tag and a harness for long line work should be worn.
We kindly ask you to report any accidents or injuries that may occur during your training sessions to your trainer right away. You and your dog’s safety is of utmost importance, and as an owner, it is your duty to ensure that your dog behaves in a manner that does not pose a threat to other animals or people.
We welcome children to attend our training sessions as long as they are accompanied by a responsible adult. It is important to note that we cannot take responsibility for the safety of children during the sessions. We kindly ask that supervising adults ensure that the children are safe at all times. Young people under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
Haigh Hounds shall be notified in advance if the animal is required to wear a muzzle of if they have a bite history.
Should an animal become dangerous or aggressive Haigh Hounds shall use their sole discression to take action in the best interest of the dog, other animals or people which my be encountered.
Customers must accept that accidents or illness may occur in a manner than can neither be foreseen or prevented by Haigh Hounds. The customer shall indemnify Haigh Hounds, who shall be held harmless in the following circumstances unless the company can be shown to be negligent - Claims for negligence will be settled using the companies insurance.
- If a customers dog causes harm to a person, Animal or property
- If a customers dog is injured or caues an accident
- If a customers dog causes third part to claim for damages to property. The customer will indemnify Haigh Hounds against claims and will lliase directly with the third party.
It is important to ensure that your dog is suitably protected from the potential risk of disease, as well as being appropriately treated for internal and external parasites. While we cannot guarantee that there is absolutely no risk of disease at any venue or when in contact with other dogs or materials, it is the owners/handler’s responsibility to take appropriate measures to protect their dog. Please note that we do not accept responsibility for any potential or actual exposure of dogs to disease.
Please advise us in advance of your session if your dog has been in contact with another dog infected by a contagious disease or if they appear to be unwell (eg. vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing, etc). Or if your female is in season. If your dog has any known allergies or intolerances to certain foods or has any other special dietary needs, it is your responsibility to bring this to the attention of the trainer prior to the start of your session.
Please keep dogs on lead and under control at the training venue unless instructed to do otherwise by your instructor.
All clients are required to clean up after their dogs and take away from the training venue.
Please can dogs attend on a standard lead. Retractable leads are not permitted in the training class.
PRIVACY: Please be aware that photographs may be taken during training sessions. These photos may be used by Haigh Hounds for use on social media. If you do not want photographs of you and/or your dog to be used or shared, please inform us. Additionally, any feedback you provide, whether verbal or written (such as through email or feedback forms), may be used for marketing purposes. Please note that only your first name will be used for identification purposes.
DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that while we make every effort to ensure the safety of our clients and their dogs during training sessions, participating in activities with dogs, children, and adults inherently carries a risk of injury.
By booking with us, you agree to assume full responsibility for any risks, injuries, or damages that may occur as a result of attending our training sessions
You also agree to make any person who accompanies you to the session(s), or takes your place, aware that they are also there at their own risk.
You understand and accept that your dog (and its behaviour) remains entirely your responsibility at all times, whether or not in the presence of the trainer/ behaviourist.
Thank you for taking the time to read our Terms & Conditions, we look forward to working with you.
Ready to enhance your dog's training experience?
Contact us today to schedule a positive reward-based training session!