Let’s get the kids involved in puppy training!

Published on 12 September 2024 at 20:05

11 Puppy Rules for Kids: Be Your Dog's Superhero!

Hello puppy lovers of Wigan, Chorley, and Leyland! Whether you’ve just welcomed home a ball of fur or you’ve got a bitey little land shark these 11 rules will help your kids become ultimate puppy superheroes. And as an IMDT Easy Peasy Puppy Instructor, I’m here to make sure your journey is fun, rewarding, and—well—easy peasy! So, let’s grab our capes and get started!

1. The Name Game

Rule: Always use your puppy’s name when you’re calling them—unless it’s bath time!
Puppies learn their name super fast when it’s connected to something fun and positive. But here’s a tip from your IMDT Easy Peasy instructor: avoid using their name when it’s time for something they might not love, like a bath. “ = fun! Not “Buddy” = soap monster.

2. Treats, Not Feasts

Rule: One treat at a time, no matter how big the puppy eyes get.
Those puppy eyes are basically mini-superpowers. But as your IMDT instructor will tell you, moderation is key! Give a small treat for good behavior, and avoid turning your puppy into a treat-chomping machine. (Remember, sidekicks need to stay fit!)

3. Supervision = Superpowers

Rule: Always keep an eye on your puppy—it’s like watching a furry toddler with lightning speed!
Blink and they’ll be chewing your shoe, the remote, or your sister’s favorite toy. Part of being a puppy superhero is constant vigilance! Use baby gates or puppy pens when needed, but don’t let your sidekick roam freely just yet.

4. Teach the ‘Super Sit’

Rule: Teach your puppy to sit—it’s their first superpower!
The first trick is always the most exciting! IMDT methods make it super easy to teach a solid “sit.” Use a treat, hold it above your puppy’s nose, and say “sit.” When their little bum hits the ground—bam! Reward time. Soon, your pup will be sitting faster than you can say “Easy Peasy.”

5. No Puppy Surfing

Rule: Don’t let your puppy jump on people—unless they’re really short superheroes!
Jumping puppies are adorable—until they knock over your nan! Use the Easy Peasy method of rewarding all four paws on the floor to train polite greetings. A grounded pup is a superhero in training, not a flying squirrel!

6. Puppy Pee Patrol

Rule: Help your puppy go pee outside—no indoor surprises!
To avoid the dreaded indoor accidents, take your pup outside regularly—especially after meals, naps, and playtime. IMDT’s Easy Peasy Puppy method suggests rewarding your pup the moment they “go” outside. No one wants a mystery puddle in the living room!

7. The Tug-of-War Code

Rule: Tug-of-war is fun, but no biting hands!
Tug-of-war is a great game to build a bond with your pup, but it’s important to keep it safe. The Easy Peasy method is all about teaching puppies to play nice—only grab the toy, not your fingers. If your pup gets too mouthy, simply stop the game for a second, and they’ll learn fast that hands are off-limits.

8. Nap Time is Sacred

Rule: Let sleeping puppies lie.
It’s tempting to wake your puppy for a cuddle or play, but puppies need lots of sleep to recharge those tiny superhero batteries! And trust me, IMDT Easy Peasy training works better with a well-rested pup.

9. The No-Shoe Rule

Rule: Don’t let your puppy chew your shoes, toys, or anything you love!
Puppies think everything is a chew toy! Use puppy-safe chew toys to redirect that urge and protect your belongings. IMDT’s Easy Peasy approach suggests swapping out your shoe for a proper toy the moment they start chewing. Your shoes will thank you!

10. Be the Walking Wonder

Rule: Take your puppy for walks and explore the world together.
Superheroes and their sidekicks need adventure! With the Easy Peasy method, walking becomes a fun and stress-free experience. Short, positive walks will help burn off that puppy energy, and your pup will start learning to walk nicely on a lead—no pulling necessary!

11. Love is Your Secret Weapon

Rule: Love your puppy with all your heart—because they already love you!
Puppies are all about love, and the IMDT philosophy puts that bond front and center. Training is built on positive reinforcement, affection, and fun. So while you’re teaching rules, don’t forget that your puppy sees you as their superhero—so give them plenty of love and belly rubs!

So there you have it! Follow these 11 rules, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming the best puppy superhero in Wigan, Chorley, or Leyland. And with me, your local IMDT Easy Peasy Puppy Instructor, by your side, we’ll make this puppy journey fun, rewarding, and easy peasy—just like it should be!

Your friendly neighborhood puppy trainer,
Emily at Haigh Hounds

P.S. Remember, even superheroes can ask for backup. I’m just a bark away!

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