“RUCKSACK WALKS” based on an activity Steve Mann devised after his experiences watching dogs in Peru. His theory being “if your dogs like hanging out with you 90% of your problems are gone”
He observed what dogs CHOOSE to do to enrich their lives when they were given the choice. As a result of their needs being met he observed that these dogs were happy relaxed content
Valued being with peopleRarely felt the need to chase or run as their day was not crammed into an hours walkDidn’t bark or display arousal or conflictWere curious
Fab for stormy snowy weather or too-hot-to-leave-the-house-weather, vet days or when your bitch is in season.
WHAT IT ISN’T - throwing toys and other dog paraphernalia into a bag and going on a trek WHAT IT IS - a fab bonding, enrichment or decompression exercise , WANT TO KNOW MORE? MESSAGE!
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